Ubuntu and zfs

zsysctl show zsysctl state remove rpool/USERDATA/root_b59r4f@autozsys_vbqrly zsysctl state remove –system rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_3r65wz@autozsys_zi8elu zsysctl state remove –user username rpool/USERDATA/username_b59r4f@autozsys_x3699x Hope I got things the right way. Got a message stating that there isn’t enough...

CUDA – Compute Unified Device Architecture

sudo apt remove –autoremove nvidia-* Remove any cuda related from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa sudo apt update sudo apt install nvidia-driver-525-server sudo apt -y install nvidia-utils-525-server sudo apt -y install nvidia-settings sudo...


“There’s a gang in my area who recruit new members by threatening them with all kind of punishment if they don’t join. But enough about the church…”

openssl – what a… something

This took way to long to solve. A good guide but… https://networklessons.com/uncategorized/openssl-certification-authority-ca-ubuntu-server Remember to enable this: copy_extensions = copy Otherwise you’ll spend an eternity trying to figure out what is wrong. And...

zfs, raidz-N…

http://genetics.wustl.edu/technology/replacing-a-bad-zfs-drive-with-larger-drive/ After that, follow the steps below. To find the guid for the disks use… Now, there are some information out there stating that you need to enable GPT on the disk....

Nuclear Energy

All energy production is harmful or potentially harmful for the environment, more or less, in one way or another. I don’t think environmental activists use good solid arguments for their cause. However,...