Month: April 2023
Henrik Jönsson – KLIMATRELIGIONEN – Miljörörelsens likheter med en sekt
One very important aspect is that this is not an argument against taking good care of our environment, it is about how some people want to do it, nothing else. And also,...
Ansible vault editor
~/.bashrcAdd “export EDITOR=vi” or “export EDITOR=nano”, or whatever you desire.
Thunderf00t – Starship (and SpaceX) Goes BOOM!!!
According to Musk, SpaceX will land people on Mars in 2024, that is next year. I don’t think that’s going to happen.
Ubuntu and zfs
zsysctl show zsysctl state remove rpool/USERDATA/root_b59r4f@autozsys_vbqrly zsysctl state remove –system rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_3r65wz@autozsys_zi8elu zsysctl state remove –user username rpool/USERDATA/username_b59r4f@autozsys_x3699x Hope I got things the right way. Got a message stating that there isn’t enough...
My biggest take-away from this video is that I really don’t like Elon Musk.Why?The BBC reporter James Calyton claims that he receives more hate speech on twitter today than before, instead of...
CUDA – Compute Unified Device Architecture
sudo apt remove –autoremove nvidia-* Remove any cuda related from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa sudo apt update sudo apt install nvidia-driver-525-server sudo apt -y install nvidia-utils-525-server sudo apt -y install nvidia-settings sudo...
CUDA – Compute Unified Device Architecture
Installation Not entirely for 22.04LTS but with some minor modifications… However, there seems to be some issues with this way of installing nvidia/cuda. I ended up with apt stating that the...
openssl – what a… something
This took way to long to solve. A good guide but… Remember to enable this: copy_extensions = copy Otherwise you’ll spend an eternity trying to figure out what is wrong. And...
Maybe a bit dramatic, but there are many points deserving a thorough discussion, mainly naive politicians. It is obvious that Ylva Johansson knows very little about the topics she talks about, she...
Move to
The move of primarily the mail is now completed. No more self hosting of mail & web servers.
Domain moved to moved from Networksolutions to Should be up and running properly within 24 hours.
Why I don’t believe in God?
Because God sending himself to impregnate a woman with himself so he could be born, pray to himself and then kill himself in order to sacrifice himself to himself so he can...
zfs, raidz-N… After that, follow the steps below. To find the guid for the disks use… Now, there are some information out there stating that you need to enable GPT on the disk....
Unifi – dhcp snooping
Rather annoying setting; some but not all my vm:s stopped receiving dhcp offers, apparently at random. My spontaneous guess is that this is somewhat buggy. Network -> Settings -> Networks
Nuclear Energy
All energy production is harmful or potentially harmful for the environment, more or less, in one way or another. I don’t think environmental activists use good solid arguments for their cause. However,...
Robert Knodel – 1960-2023
Rest in peace! Nope, the earth is not flat but still, as long as things stay verbal, and I know it’s sometimes really hard, do treat people with respect. This is him,...
Kritik mot hur tidigare regeringar skött klimatarbetet är inte att vara negativ till att ta hand om vårt klimat och vår miljö. Det kan ju vara raka motsatsen. “Någon som är sugen...